About our locations...
We can't wait to see you at one of our locations!
In north central Florida, we have our main winery headquarters. The main manufacturing winery is located about 4 miles into the country from HWY 301 between the towns of Citra and Hawthorne.
The Island Grove Wine Company Tasting House is located right on HWY 301. Visit IslandGroveTastingHouse.com for more information. Please stop there for a tasting when in the north central Florida area.
We also have a fantastic location in the heart of central Florida area. Formosa Winery and its only few miles from the Disney area in Kissimmee. Visit FormosaWinery.com for more information.
Main HQ Location
Main Winery HQ
Hours: M-F 9am-3pm
Special Hours: Labor Day (Sept 2nd) - CLOSED
(352) 481-9463
24703 SE 193rd Ave, Hawthorne, Florida 32640
Contact Us
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Please drop us a line and we will get right back with you!